God(s) and Buddhism

Buddhism does not consider a Creator God, nor one who gives rules to obey (as the idea of God in the Abrahamic religions). But many schools of Buddhism do believe in the existence of spiritual beings (what some religions might call "gods" or demigods). Some might be more like heavenly saints or even more like "angels" in the Abrahamic religions that can be called on for help along the spiritual path. What other religions (like Hinduism) might call a "god" Buddhism might call an "enlightened being". Ultimately, the Buddhism goal is to BECOME enlightened rather than to worship those who are enlightened. Ultimately the Buddhist goal is not even to become an enlightened BEING (bodhisattva) but to move beyond all "being" - that is what Nirvana is about: "beyond both being and non-being."

There IS a "realm of the gods" but the Buddhist goal is to move beyond all realms of being. In essence, Buddhism does recognize that gods exist but Buddhism does not CARE about such. Buddhism is not about "worshiping" such "gods".


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