Responses to Religious Diversity
Different people respond to religious diversity (the existence of other religions) in different ways:
- The religious exclusivist holds that only their own religion is true.
- The religious inclusivist holds that while other religions may be partly true, only the religion of the inclusivist is the most true.
- The religious pluralist accepts the presence of all religions while remaining personally committed to their own religion. Basically: "live and let live".
- The religious universalist holds that no matter what religion one follows, all will ultimately lead to salvation.
- The religious syncretist personally embraces multiple religions, often combining elements from two or more, essentially creating their own personal spiritual path.
I am getting a metaphoric image in my mind of how these paths relate to and differ from each other: Imagine a mountain that all are climbing, trying to reach the top (the goal of religion, God or salvation, if you want).
The Exclusivist might
be a single "straight and narrow" path from the bottom to the top and
the only path that gets all the way to the top. The other paths (religions)
would just be winding paths that are all dead ends, leading nowhere.
The Inclusivist path
also leads to the top, but they would have other paths leading part way up the
mountain and then merging into the inclusivist path to get to the top along the
incusivist's path.
The pluralist might
see all the paths lead all the way to the top, so it does not matter which path
you are on, so long as you follow it all the way.
The Universalist might
say that there is really just one wide path and each person/religion is moving
along it on different sides or middle, and maybe at different rates of speed
but, sooner or later, all will get to the top.
The syncretist might
just be roaming through the trees, crossing from one path to another, with no
clear direction. Enjoys visiting the different paths and different people along
each path. For the syncretist, perhaps it is all about the journey rather than
getting to the end? Maybe the syncretist loses sight of the end goal?
I am actually not happy with my image of the syncretist. Maybe one
of you can paint a different image of this (or any of the other paths)?
Or, how about an image based on fruit:
Difference between pluralism and syncretism might
be like the difference between a mixed fruit salad (where you can still discern
the different kinds of fruits in the bowl) and a fruit smoothie (where the
different fruits have been blended up and combined in such a way that you can
no longer separate them from each other).
The Pluralist: Holds that we can all live peacefully, side by side, in the same society (bowl)
To carry the analogy further...
An exclusivist would
eat only one kind of fruit, claiming that is the best and that everyone ought
to love and eat this fruit.
An inclusivist might
eat many fruits but have a favorite that he likes better than all the others.
Like the exclusivist, the inclusivist might hold that everyone else should also
like this fruit best.
The universalist might
hold that all fruits give you vitamin C so they are all good for you. It does
not matter which ones you eat, just eat them to maintain good health.
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